Environmental Caucus Facebook Video Campaign

The Wisconsin Democratic Party's Environmental Caucus is dedicated to helping candidates highlight their party's advantages as better stewards of Wisconsin's natural resources. For the 2020 November election, the Caucus sought help from G. Morty & the Makers to feature grassroots activist testimony in an appeal for voters' support on the theme "Vote to Protect Communities, Not Polluters." We were asked to edit existing video footage taken in counties where water quality was being sacrificed by CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). Our task was to tell the story of residents whose lives and livelihoods were being affected, and to do it in an engaging way. The challenge that was laid out in front of us was that there was so much footage, how were we to find those gems of video content that would resonate with voters?

When we do political work of any kind, we do creative and brand strategy that feels important to us as a team and, in this case, creative that could potentially help our great state of Wisconsin. We felt this was very important work to do and we were humbled that the Democratic Party of Wisconsin asked us to be involved.

Our first task for the Caucus was to transfer their old Facebook Group to a Facebook Business Page. We set up the new Facebook page and then began running paid ads to get engagement, and to migrate the previous members of the group on over to the new and fancy page. (Since G. Morty & The Makers is an authorized company to run ads dealing with social issues -including politics- we were able to get paid advertising going right away.) We then ran promoted video posts for the entire month leading up to the Nov. 3rd election. This paid campaign was something brand new for the Environmental Caucus, and both client and agency were very happy with the numbers, considering all of the social media political noise we had to break through in October.

In the end, the total reach was solid, engagement was excellent, and link clicks were surprisingly high considering the clutter out there at the time. This campaign ranks highly in our stable of paid efforts when it comes to the “spend vs clicks” measurement.

Thanks again to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin for having us on board for this one. We all learned a lot and we’re looking forward to the next one.